[ Kanji ] Four character idiom T-shirts

  • Kanji - indefatigable - T-Shirt
    Kanji - indefatigable - T-Shirt

    The meaning of “不撓不屈 (futō fukutsu)“
    "不撓" means that the mind does not break.
    “不屈” means that you can not lose your mind.
    I will never lose my heart no matter what difficulties I encounter.
    <updated to="" make="" it="" easier="" customize.="">
    The shape is “svg format" so you can change it to your favorite color.
    The English translation of the meaning of kanji is also customizable to your native language.</updated>
  • Kanji - live naturally - T-Shirt
    Kanji - live naturally -

    則天去私(sokuten kyoshi / そくてんきょし )
    *"則天" means to follow the laws of nature." 去私" means to let go of selfishness.
    To abandon selfishness and let nature's great currents take you to a higher level.
    <updated to="" make="" it="" easier="" customize.="">
    *The kanji are in "svg format" so you can change the color to your liking.
    *You can also customize the English translation of the meaning of the kanji to your native language.</updated>
  • kanji - solidarity -  T-Shirt
    kanji - solidarity -

    一致団結(icchi daketsu / いっちだんけつ)
    The cooperation of a large number of people in a group or organization, united in mind, in order to achieve a specific goal.
    You can change the color of the kanji to any color you like.
    You can also customize the text to your liking.
    Any of my designs can be transferred to over a thousand other items and adjust the design to fit the product if you needed.
  • Kanji - tenacity of purpose - T-Shirt
    Kanji - tenacity of purpose -

    The meaning of “七転八起 (shichiten hakki)“
    It means to roll up seven times and rise eight times.
    Even if you are beaten over and over, get up without fail every time.
    <updated to="" make="" it="" easier="" customize.="">
    The shape is “svg format" so you can change it to your favorite color.
    The English translation of the meaning of kanji is also customizable to your native language.</updated>
  • Kanji - overcome difficulties - hoodie
    Kanji - overcome difficulties - hoodie

    The meaning of “雲外蒼天 (ungai souten)”
    "雲外" means outside the cloud.
    "蒼天" means blue sky.
    If you make an effort and overcome difficulties, you can expect a pleasant blue sky. /
    If you overcome the difficulties, make efforts and overcome, good things are waiting.
    The shape is “svg format" so you can change it to your favorite color.
    The English translation of the meaning of kanji is also customizable to your native language.
  • To go boldly toward your goal T-Shirt
    To go boldly toward your goal

    勇往邁進(yūō maishin / ゆうおう まいしん)
    *To go boldly toward your goal without hesitation.
    <updated to="" make="" it="" easier="" customize.="">
    *The kanji are in "svg format" so you can change the color to your liking.
    *You can also customize the English translation of the meaning of the kanji to your native language.</updated>
  • Kanji - honest and sturdy - T-Shirt
    Kanji - honest and sturdy -

    質実剛健(shitsujitsu gōken / しつじつごうけん )
    *No frills, seriousness, and good physical and mental health.
    You can change the color of the kanji to any color you like.
    Any of my designs can be transferred to over a thousand other items and adjust the design to fit the product if you needed.
  • Kanji - A life of selfishness - T-Shirt
    Kanji - A life of selfishness -

    The meaning of “晴耕雨読 (seikou udoku)“
    “晴耕” means going out and cultivating on a sunny day. "雨読" means to read at home on rainy days.
    A life of selfishness. /A parable of a fulfilling life and circumstances that is not bothered by folklore.
    The shape is “svg format" so you can change it to your favorite color.
    The English translation of the meaning of kanji is also customizable to your native language.
  • Kanji - Improve yourself - T-Shirt
    Kanji - Improve yourself -

    切磋琢磨(sessa takuma / せっさたくま )
    *"切磋琢磨" means to encourage each other among friends and in groups, and to refine oneself through tireless effort.
    <updated to="" make="" it="" easier="" customize.="">
    *The kanji are in "svg format" so you can change the color to your liking.
    *You can also customize the English translation of the meaning of the kanji to your native language.</updated>
  • Kanji - A life of selfishness - T-Shirt
    Kanji - A life of selfishness -

    The meaning of “晴耕雨読 (seikou udoku)“
    “晴耕” means going out and cultivating on a sunny day. "雨読" means to read at home on rainy days.
    A life of selfishness. /A parable of a fulfilling life and circumstances that is not bothered by folklore.
    <updated to="" make="" it="" easier="" customize.="">
    The shape is “svg format" so you can change it to your favorite color.
    The English translation of the meaning of kanji is also customizable to your native language.</updated>
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