[ Kanji ] Toyokuni kigō kijyutsu kurabe

  • ukiyoe - Toraōmaru - Japanese magician - Jigsaw Puzzle
    ukiyoe - Toraōmaru - Japanese magician - Jigsaw Puzzle

    This is a Ukiyo-e picture of Utagawa Toyokuni III featuring a Japanese magician.
    *虎王丸(Toraōmaru / とらおうまる)
    *虎王 means the king of tigers. He was a rival of 雲竜九郎 (Unryukuro). He calls up a tiger.
    *Note : ukiyoe from the Digital Collection of the National Diet Library was used.
  • ukiyoe - Sutewakamaru - Japanese magician - Jigsaw Puzzle
    ukiyoe - Sutewakamaru - Japanese magician - Jigsaw Puzzle

    This is a Ukiyo-e picture of Utagawa Toyokuni III featuring a Japanese magician.
    *捨若丸(Sutewakamaru / すてわかまる)
    *捨若丸 was the childhood name of the thief 石川五右衛門 (ISHIKAWA Goemon).
    *Note : ukiyoe from the Digital Collection of the National Diet Library was used.
  • ukiyoe - Nikki Danjō - Japanese magician - Jigsaw Puzzle
    ukiyoe - Nikki Danjō - Japanese magician - Jigsaw Puzzle

    This is a Ukiyo-e picture of Utagawa Toyokuni III featuring a Japanese magician.
    *仁木弾正(Nikki Danjō / にっき だんじょう)
    *He was modeled after 原田甲斐 (HARADA Kai), a member of 伊達騒動 (Date Sodo (the Date family disturbance)).
    He planned to take over 伊達藩 (Date Domain) using magic.
    *Note : ukiyoe from the Digital Collection of the National Diet Library was used.
  • ukiyoe - Kikuchi Kazumaru - Japanese magician - Jigsaw Puzzle
    ukiyoe - Kikuchi Kazumaru - Japanese magician - Jigsaw Puzzle

    This is a Ukiyo-e picture of Utagawa Toyokuni III featuring a Japanese magician.
    *菊池香寿丸(Kikuchi Kazumaru / きくち かずまる)
    *His identity is unknown.
    *Note : ukiyoe from the Digital Collection of the National Diet Library was used.
  • ukiyoe - Gantetsu hōin - Japanese magician - Jigsaw Puzzle
    ukiyoe - Gantetsu hōin - Japanese magician - Jigsaw Puzzle

    This is a Ukiyo-e picture of Utagawa Toyokuni III featuring a Japanese magician.
    *岩鉄法印(Gantetsu hōin / がんてつ ほういん)
    *His identity is unknown. He uses gama (toad) magic. 法印 is one of the ranks of Buddhist priests.
    *Note : ukiyoe from the Digital Collection of the National Diet Library was used.
  • ukiyoe - Mōun kokushi  - Japanese magician - Jigsaw Puzzle
    ukiyoe - Mōun kokushi - Japanese magician - Jigsaw Puzzle

    This is a Ukiyo-e picture of Utagawa Toyokuni III featuring a Japanese magician.
    *蒙雲国師(Mōun kokushi / もううん こくし)
    *He stands in the way of rebuilding 琉球王国 (the Ryukyu Kingdom) with his magical powers.
    国師 is a 諡号 (a posthumous name) given to a high priest by the emperor.
    *Note : ukiyoe from the Digital Collection of the National Diet Library was used.
  • ukiyoe - Shiragikumaru - Japanese magician - Jigsaw Puzzle
    ukiyoe - Shiragikumaru - Japanese magician - Jigsaw Puzzle

    This is a Ukiyo-e picture of Utagawa Toyokuni III featuring a Japanese magician.
    *白菊丸(Shiragikumaru / しらぎくまる)
    *He is reborn as 桜姫 (Sakura hime) after committing suicide with an ascetic monk.
    *Note : ukiyoe from the Digital Collection of the National Diet Library was used.
  • ukiyoe - Ichirarano Kidōmaru - Japanese magician - Jigsaw Puzzle
    ukiyoe - Ichirarano Kidōmaru - Japanese magician - Jigsaw Puzzle

    This is a Ukiyo-e picture of Utagawa Toyokuni III featuring a Japanese magician.
    *市原野鬼童丸(Ichirarano Kidōmaru / いちはらの きどうまる)
    *He puts on a cow's skin and targets 源頼光(MINAMOTO no Yorimitsu).
    *Note : ukiyoe from the Digital Collection of the National Diet Library was used.
  • ukiyoe - Takiyasha hime - Japanese magician - Jigsaw Puzzle
    ukiyoe - Takiyasha hime - Japanese magician - Jigsaw Puzzle

    This is a Ukiyo-e picture of Utagawa Toyokuni III featuring a Japanese magician.
    *滝夜叉姫(Takiyasha hime / たきやしゃひめ)
    *She is a daughter of 平将門 (TAIRA no Masakado) and calls on a skeleton. Her kimono reads”無言魔行(mugon magyō / むごんまぎょう / silent sorcery)”
    *Note : ukiyoe from the Digital Collection of the National Diet Library was used.
  • ukiyoe - Akatsuki Hoshigorō - Japanese magician - Jigsaw Puzzle
    ukiyoe - Akatsuki Hoshigorō - Japanese magician - Jigsaw Puzzle

    This is a Ukiyo-e picture of Utagawa Toyokuni III featuring a Japanese magician.
    *暁星五郎(Akatsuki Hoshigorō / あかつき ほしごろう)
    *He is a thief and uses fire.
    *Note : ukiyoe from the Digital Collection of the National Diet Library was used.
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