[ Kanji ] Japanese Family Name

  • kanji family name - Okamoto - T-Shirt
    kanji family name - Okamoto -

    We've collected the most common Japanese family names and the most famous Japanese family names in the world.
    It is said that there are about 300,000 different family names in Japan.
    *岡本(okamoto / おかもと)
    *Meaning of each Kanji (It is not necessarily the origin of the family name.) ー 岡:hill / 本:main, real, book
    You can change the size, color, position, etc. of the kanji as you like. But you cannot change it to other kanji. You can personalize the English text to your favorite words, font ,size, color and position as you like. If you don't need it, you can remove it.
  • kanji family name - Mitsuhashi T-Shirt
    kanji family name - Mitsuhashi

    三橋(mitsuhashi, mihashi / みつはし, みはし)
    We have collected Japanese surnames from manga, celebrities, and other sources.
    It is said that there are about 300,000 different surnames in Japan.
    You can change the size, color, position, etc. of the kanji as you like. But you cannot change it to other kanji. You can personalize the English text to your favorite words, font ,size, color and position as you like. If you don't need it, you can remove it.
  • kanji family name - Sakata T-Shirt
    kanji family name - Sakata

    坂田(sakata / さかた)
    We have collected Japanese surnames from manga, celebrities, and other sources.
    It is said that there are about 300,000 different surnames in Japan.
    You can change the size, color, position, etc. of the kanji as you like. But you cannot change it to other kanji. You can personalize the English text to your favorite words, font ,size, color and position as you like. If you don't need it, you can remove it.
  • kanji family name - Itadori T-Shirt
    kanji family name - Itadori

    虎杖(itadori / いたどり)
    We have collected Japanese surnames from manga, celebrities, and other sources.
    It is said that there are about 300,000 different surnames in Japan.
    You can change the size, color, position, etc. of the kanji as you like. But you cannot change it to other kanji. You can personalize the English text to your favorite words, font ,size, color and position as you like. If you don't need it, you can remove it.
  • kanji family name - Onizuka T-Shirt
    kanji family name - Onizuka

    鬼塚(onizuka / おにずか)
    We have collected Japanese surnames from manga, celebrities, and other sources.
    It is said that there are about 300,000 different surnames in Japan.
    You can change the size, color, position, etc. of the kanji as you like. But you cannot change it to other kanji. You can personalize the English text to your favorite words, font ,size, color and position as you like. If you don't need it, you can remove it.
  • kanji family name - Shinomiya T-Shirt
    kanji family name - Shinomiya

    四宮(shinomiya / しのみや)
    We have collected Japanese surnames from manga, celebrities, and other sources.
    It is said that there are about 300,000 different surnames in Japan.
    You can change the size, color, position, etc. of the kanji as you like. But you cannot change it to other kanji. You can personalize the English text to your favorite words, font ,size, color and position as you like. If you don't need it, you can remove it.
  • kanji family name - Tsubaki T-Shirt
    kanji family name - Tsubaki

    椿(tsubaki / つばき)
    We have collected Japanese surnames from manga, celebrities, and other sources.
    It is said that there are about 300,000 different surnames in Japan.
    You can change the size, color, position, etc. of the kanji as you like. But you cannot change it to other kanji. You can personalize the English text to your favorite words, font ,size, color and position as you like. If you don't need it, you can remove it.
  • kanji family name - Takanashi T-Shirt
    kanji family name - Takanashi

    小鳥遊(takanashi / たかなし)
    We have collected Japanese surnames from manga, celebrities, and other sources.
    It is said that there are about 300,000 different surnames in Japan.
    You can change the size, color, position, etc. of the kanji as you like. But you cannot change it to other kanji. You can personalize the English text to your favorite words, font ,size, color and position as you like. If you don't need it, you can remove it.
  • kanji family name - Shinohara T-Shirt
    kanji family name - Shinohara

    篠原(shinohara / しのはら)
    We have collected Japanese surnames from manga, celebrities, and other sources.
    It is said that there are about 300,000 different surnames in Japan.
    You can change the size, color, position, etc. of the kanji as you like. But you cannot change it to other kanji. You can personalize the English text to your favorite words, font ,size, color and position as you like. If you don't need it, you can remove it.
  • kanji family name - Handa T-Shirt
    kanji family name - Handa

    半田(handa / はんだ)
    We have collected Japanese surnames from manga, celebrities, and other sources.
    It is said that there are about 300,000 different surnames in Japan.
    You can change the size, color, position, etc. of the kanji as you like. But you cannot change it to other kanji. You can personalize the English text to your favorite words, font ,size, color and position as you like. If you don't need it, you can remove it.

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