Japan– tag –
奇術十二支之内 / Kijyutsu Jyūnishi no uchi
奇術 is the art of sorcery. 十二支 (jyūnishi) means12 signs of the Chinese zodiac. Products includes affiliate links. There is no financial cost to the user. 奇術とは妖術のこと。十二支とは暦法で,子・丑・寅・卯・辰・巳・午・未・申・酉・... -
役者見立東海道五十三駅 / Actors at the Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido
This ukiyoe is a large head painting of kabuki roles associated with the names of the 53 Stations of the Tokaido, with portraits of the actors who excelled in these roles.Products includes affiliate links. There is no financial cost to t... -
華鳥譜 / Gorgeous bird illustrations
Title : 華鳥譜(Kachōfu)Name of bird (Japanese (romaji/English):Artist : 服部雪斎(Hattori Sessai)1807−date of death unknown)These are mainly illustrations of birds by Hattori Sessai, a natural history painter active in the late Yedo ... -
和漢百物語 / Wakan hyaku monogatari
"和漢百物語 (Wakan hyaku monogatari)“ is a series based on Japanese and Chinese horror stories and heroic anecdotes by 月岡芳年 (Tsukioka Yoshitoshi).Products includes affiliate links. There is no financial cost to the user. 「和漢百物語... -
豊国漫画図絵 / Toyokuni manga zue
This is a depiction of a "rumored person in the world" as a kabuki actor. Products includes affiliate links. There is no financial cost to the user. これは"世間で噂の人物"を歌舞伎役者で描いたものです。このページにはアフィリエトリンクが含... -
[ Kanji ] Japanese Family Name
We've collected the most common Japanese family names and the most famous Japanese family names in the world.It is said that there are about 300,000 different family names in Japan.This page contains affiliate links, but at no financial ... -
[ Kanji ] Popular Kanji
I designed it using Kanji which is popular among people who like Kanji.Products includes affiliate links. There is no financial cost to the user. 漢字が好きな人に人気の漢字を使ってデザインしました。このページにはアフィリエトリンクが含ま... -
[ Kanji ] Popular Kanji 2
I designed it using Kanji which is popular among people who like Kanji.Products includes affiliate links. There is no financial cost to the user. 漢字が好きな人に人気の漢字を使ってデザインしました。このページにはアフィリエトリンクが含ま... -
[ OMIYAGE JAPAN ] New Products
Let me introduce my new product.This page contains affiliate links, but at no financial cost to the user. 新製品をご紹介します。このページにはアフィリエトリンクが含まれていますが、ユーザーの金銭的負担はありません -
[ UKIYOE ] New Products
Let me introduce my new product.This page contains affiliate links, but at no financial cost to the user. 新製品をご紹介します。このページにはアフィリエトリンクが含まれていますが、ユーザーの金銭的負担はありません -
[ Kanji ] New Products
Let me introduce my new product. The product includes an affiliate link. 新製品をご紹介します。 商品にはアフィリエイトリンクが含まれています。 -
[ Kanji ] Four character idiom T-shirts
Let me introduce you to a T-shirt with four character idioms.The product includes an affiliate link.4字熟語を使ったTシャツをご紹介します。商品にはアフィリエイトリンクが含まれています。 kanji - put your heart into something - T-Shirt kanj... -
[ Kanji ] Sports T-shirts
Sports names are written in Kanji characters.The product includes an affiliate link.スポーツ名を漢字で表しました。商品にはアフィリエイトリンクが含まれています。 Kanji - Judo - T-Shirt Kanji - Aikido - T-Shirt Kanji - Badminton - T-Shirt ... -
[ Kanji ] Kanji country names T-shirts
The country names of the world are expressed in kanji.Many of them are phonetic equivalents.Currently, the country names are written in katakana.The product includes an affiliate link.世界の国名を漢字で表しました。その多くは当て字です。... -
[ Kanji ] Clothing & Shoes for Women
I would like to introduce my products from Clothing & Shoes department.The product includes an affiliate link.Tシャツなどのコーナーの商品をご紹介します。商品にはアフィリエイトリンクが含まれています。 kanji family name - Nakano - T-Sh... -
[ Kanji ] Clothing & Shoes for Men
I would like to introduce my products from Clothing & Shoes department.The product includes an affiliate link.Tシャツなどのコーナーの商品をご紹介します。商品にはアフィリエイトリンクが含まれています。 kanji family name - Kawano, kono ...