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  • Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 010 Postcard
    Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 010

    Title: 婦人手業拾二工・髪結 (Fujin tewaza jyunikoh, kamiyui / ふじんてわざじゅうにこう・かみゆい / The Twelve Professions of a Lady: Hairdresser)
    Artist: 喜多川歌麿(Kitagawa Utamaro) He was an ukiyoe artist active in Japan during the Yedo period, specializing in paintings of beautiful women.
    Note: Color correction processing was performed using public domain data from the Digital Collections of the National Diet Library. Any of my designs can be transferred to over a thousand other items and adjust the design to fit the product if you needed.
  • Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 009 Postcard
    Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 009

    Title: 當世恋歌八契(Tosei koi no uta hakkei / とうせいこいのうたはっけい / Eight Modern Songs of Couples Pledged in Love)
    Artist: 喜多川歌麿(Kitagawa Utamaro) He was an ukiyoe artist active in Japan during the Yedo period, specializing in paintings of beautiful women.
    Note: Color correction processing was performed using public domain data from the Digital Collections of the National Diet Library. Any of my designs can be transferred to over a thousand other items and adjust the design to fit the product if you needed.
  • Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 008 Postcard
    Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 008

    Title: 實竸色乃美名家見・女髪結おさん・車力茂兵衛 (Jitsu kurabe iro no minakami, onna kamiyui oSan, syariki Mohei / じつくらべいろのみなかみ・おんなかみゆい おさん しゃりき もへえ/ Beauties competing for the truth of love: oSan the Hairdresser and Mohei the Rickshaw Man)
    Artist: 喜多川歌麿(Kitagawa Utamaro) He was an ukiyoe artist active in Japan during the Yedo period, specializing in paintings of beautiful women.
    Note: Color correction processing was performed using public domain data from the Digital Collections of the National Diet Library. Any of my designs can be transferred to over a thousand other items and adjust the design to fit the product if you needed.
  • Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 007 Postcard
    Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 007

    Title: 實竸色乃美名家見・扇屋夕霧 ふじや伊左衛門 (Jitsu kurabe iro no minakami, Ohgiya Yugiri, Fujiya Izaemon / じつくらべいろのみなかみ・おおぎやゆうぎり ふじやいざえもん/ Beauties competing for the truth of love: Ohgiya Yugiri and Fujiya Izaemon)
    Artist: 喜多川歌麿(Kitagawa Utamaro) He was an ukiyoe artist active in Japan during the Yedo period, specializing in paintings of beautiful women.
    Note: Color correction processing was performed using public domain data from the Digital Collections of the National Diet Library. Any of my designs can be transferred to over a thousand other items and adjust the design to fit the product if you needed.
  • Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 006 Postcard
    Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 006

    Title: 實竸色乃美名家見・茜屋半七 みのや三勝 (Jitsu kurabe iro no minakami, Akaneya Hanshichi, Minoya Sankatsu / じつくらべいろのみなかみ・あかねやはんしち みのやさんかつ/ Beauties competing for the truth of love: Akaneya Hanshichi and Minoya Sankatsu)
    Artist: 喜多川歌麿(Kitagawa Utamaro) He was an ukiyoe artist active in Japan during the Yedo period, specializing in paintings of beautiful women.
    Note: Color correction processing was performed using public domain data from the Digital Collections of the National Diet Library. Any of my designs can be transferred to over a thousand other items and adjust the design to fit the product if you needed.
  • Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 005 Postcard
    Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 005

    Title: 實竸色乃美名家見・お梅 粂の助 (Jitsu kurabe iro no minakami, oUme, Kumenosuke / じつくらべいろのみなかみ・おうめ くめのすけ/ Beauties competing for the truth of love: oUme and Kumenosuke)
    Artist: 喜多川歌麿(Kitagawa Utamaro) He was an ukiyoe artist active in Japan during the Yedo period, specializing in paintings of beautiful women.
    Note: Color correction processing was performed using public domain data from the Digital Collections of the National Diet Library. Any of my designs can be transferred to over a thousand other items and adjust the design to fit the product if you needed.
  • Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 004 Postcard
    Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 004

    Title: 實竸色乃美名家見・梶原源太 契情梅が枝 (Jitsu kurabe iro no minakami, Kajiwara Genta, keisei Umegae / じつくらべいろのみなかみ・かじわらげんた けいせいうめがえ/ Beauties competing for the truth of love: Kajiwara Genta and courtesan Umegae)
    Artist: 喜多川歌麿(Kitagawa Utamaro) He was an ukiyoe artist active in Japan during the Yedo period, specializing in paintings of beautiful women.
    Note: Color correction processing was performed using public domain data from the Digital Collections of the National Diet Library. Any of my designs can be transferred to over a thousand other items and adjust the design to fit the product if you needed.
  • Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 003 Postcard
    Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 003

    Title: 實竸色乃美名家見・契情梅川 飛脚屋忠兵衛 (Jitsu kurabe iro no minakami, keisei Umegawa, hikyakuya Chubeh / じつくらべいろのみなかみ・けいせいうめがわ ひきゃくやちゅうべえ/ Beauties competing for the truth of love: courtesan Umegawa and courier Chubeh)
    Artist: 喜多川歌麿(Kitagawa Utamaro) He was an ukiyoe artist active in Japan during the Yedo period, specializing in paintings of beautiful women.
    Note: Color correction processing was performed using public domain data from the Digital Collections of the National Diet Library. Any of my designs can be transferred to over a thousand other items and adjust the design to fit the product if you needed.
  • Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 002 Postcard
    Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 002

    Title: 實竸色乃美名家見・曽我五郎時致 化粧坂の少将 (Jitsu kurabe iro no minakami, Soga Goro Tokimune, Keshozaka no sho sho /
    じつくらべいろのみなかみ・そがごろう けしょうざかのしょうしょう/ Beauties competing for the truth of love: Soga Goro Tokimune and Keshozaka no sho sho)
    Artist: 喜多川歌麿(Kitagawa Utamaro) He was an ukiyoe artist active in Japan during the Yedo period, specializing in paintings of beautiful women.
    Note: Color correction processing was performed using public domain data from the Digital Collections of the National Diet Library. Any of my designs can be transferred to over a thousand other items and adjust the design to fit the product if you needed.
  • Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 001 Postcard
    Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 001

    Title: 高名美人六家撰・富本豊雛(Komei bijin rokkasen, Tomimoto Toyohina / こうめいびじんろっかせん・とみもと とよひな / Renowned Beauties Likened to the Six Immortal Poets: Tomimoto Toyohina)
    Artist: 喜多川歌麿(Kitagawa Utamaro) He was an ukiyoe artist active in Japan during the Yedo period, specializing in paintings of beautiful women.
    Note: Color correction processing was performed using public domain data from the Digital Collections of the National Diet Library. Any of my designs can be transferred to over a thousand other items and adjust the design to fit the product if you needed.
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