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  • Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 021 Postcard
    Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 021

    Title: 高名美人六家撰・朝日屋後家 (Kohmei bijin rokkasen, Asahiya goke / こうめいびじんろっかせん・あさひやごけ /
    Renowned Beauties Likened to the Six Immortal Poets: widow Asahiya)
    Artist: 喜多川歌麿(Kitagawa Utamaro) He was an ukiyoe artist active in Japan during the Yedo period, specializing in paintings of beautiful women.
    Note: Color correction processing was performed using public domain data from the Digital Collections of the National Diet Library. Any of my designs can be transferred to over a thousand other items and adjust the design to fit the product if you needed.
  • Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 020 Postcard
    Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 020

    Title: 南国美人合 このすみ (Nangoku bijin awase, Konosumi / なんごくびじんあわせ このすみ / Beauties of the Nangoku(Shinagawa licensed red-light district):courtesan Konosumi)
    Artist: 喜多川歌麿(Kitagawa Utamaro) He was an ukiyoe artist active in Japan during the Yedo period, specializing in paintings of beautiful women.
    Note: Color correction processing was performed using public domain data from the Digital Collections of the National Diet Library. Any of my designs can be transferred to over a thousand other items and adjust the design to fit the product if you needed.
  • Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 019 Postcard
    Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 019

    Title: 油屋お染の相 (Aburaya oSome no soh / あぶらや おそめのそう / Kerosene Shop Daughter oSome's look)
    Artist: 喜多川歌麿(Kitagawa Utamaro) He was an ukiyoe artist active in Japan during the Yedo period, specializing in paintings of beautiful women.
    Note: Color correction processing was performed using public domain data from the Digital Collections of the National Diet Library. Any of my designs can be transferred to over a thousand other items and adjust the design to fit the product if you needed.
  • Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 018 Postcard
    Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 018

    Title: 江戸町一丁目 松葉屋内 瀬川 たけの さりの (Yedo-machi ichome, Matsubayanai Segawa, Takeno, Sarino / えどまちいっちょうめ まつばやない せがわ たけの さりの)
    Artist: 喜多川歌麿(Kitagawa Utamaro) He was an ukiyoe artist active in Japan during the Yedo period, specializing in paintings of beautiful women.
    Note: Color correction processing was performed using public domain data from the Digital Collections of the National Diet Library. Any of my designs can be transferred to over a thousand other items and adjust the design to fit the product if you needed.
  • Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 017 Postcard
    Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 017

    Title: 江戸町一丁目 扇屋内 花扇 よしの たつた (Yedo-machi ichome, Ohgiyanai Hanaohgi, Yoshino, Tatta / えどまちいっちょうめ おうぎやない はなおうぎ よしの たった)
    Artist: 喜多川歌麿(Kitagawa Utamaro) He was an ukiyoe artist active in Japan during the Yedo period, specializing in paintings of beautiful women.
    Note: Color correction processing was performed using public domain data from the Digital Collections of the National Diet Library. Any of my designs can be transferred to over a thousand other items and adjust the design to fit the product if you needed.
  • Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 016 Postcard
    Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 016

    Title: 當世女風俗通 下品の女房 (Tosei onna fuzoku tsu, Gebon no nyobo / とうせい おんな ふうぞくつう げぼん の にょうぼう/ A Guide to Women’s Contemporary Styles: A Wife of the Lower Rank)
    Artist: 喜多川歌麿(Kitagawa Utamaro) He was an ukiyoe artist active in Japan during the Yedo period, specializing in paintings of beautiful women.
    Note: Color correction processing was performed using public domain data from the Digital Collections of the National Diet Library. Any of my designs can be transferred to over a thousand other items and adjust the design to fit the product if you needed.
  • Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 015 Postcard
    Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 015

    Title: 當世女風俗通 中品の女房 (Tosei onna fuzoku tsu, Chubon no nyobo / とうせい おんな ふうぞくつう ちゅうぼん の にょうぼう/ A Guide to Women’s Contemporary Styles: A Wife of the Middle Rank)
    Artist: 喜多川歌麿(Kitagawa Utamaro) He was an ukiyoe artist active in Japan during the Yedo period, specializing in paintings of beautiful women.
    Note: Color correction processing was performed using public domain data from the Digital Collections of the National Diet Library. Any of my designs can be transferred to over a thousand other items and adjust the design to fit the product if you needed.
  • Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 014 Postcard
    Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 014

    Title: 當世女風俗通 上品の女房 (Tosei onna fuzoku tsu, Jyobon no nyobo / とうせい おんな ふうぞくつう じょうぼん の にょうぼう/ A Guide to Women’s Contemporary Styles: A Wife of the Upper Rank)
    Artist: 喜多川歌麿(Kitagawa Utamaro) He was an ukiyoe artist active in Japan during the Yedo period, specializing in paintings of beautiful women.
    Note: Color correction processing was performed using public domain data from the Digital Collections of the National Diet Library. Any of my designs can be transferred to over a thousand other items and adjust the design to fit the product if you needed.
  • Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 013 Postcard
    Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 013

    Title: 風流五葉の松・後朝 (Furyu goyo no matsu, kinuginu / ふうりゅう ごようの まつ  きぬぎぬ / Elegant Five-needled Pine: After a Night Together)
    Artist: 喜多川歌麿(Kitagawa Utamaro) He was an ukiyoe artist active in Japan during the Yedo period, specializing in paintings of beautiful women.
    Note: Color correction processing was performed using public domain data from the Digital Collections of the National Diet Library. Any of my designs can be transferred to over a thousand other items and adjust the design to fit the product if you needed.
  • Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 012 Postcard
    Ukiyoe [Utamaro] beauties 012

    Title: 風流五葉の松・襟すり (Furyu goyo no matsu,, suso suri/ ふうりゅう ごようの まつ  すそすり/ Elegant Five-needled Pine: Nape Shaving)
    Artist: 喜多川歌麿(Kitagawa Utamaro) He was an ukiyoe artist active in Japan during the Yedo period, specializing in paintings of beautiful women.
    Note: Color correction processing was performed using public domain data from the Digital Collections of the National Diet Library. Any of my designs can be transferred to over a thousand other items and adjust the design to fit the product if you needed.
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